Alexander Gil

William Nilsson

Jonas Egholm

Vera Danilina

Elias Narendran och Jon Svenungsson

Lördag 28 sept kl 12.30
Konsert på UKK, sal B

Young Talents Competition

För 17:e året i rad gör ett antal finalister från flera länder upp om vinsten i International Young Talents Competition. 

Vem blir vinnaren på årets Young Talent Competition? För 17:e året i rad gör ett antal finalister från flera länder upp om vinsten i International Young Talents Competition. Tävligen äger rum vid Uppsala Internationella Gitarrfestival 2024. De tävlande väljs ut i hård konkurrens med övriga sökande, dom flesta med flera tidigare tävlingar i ryggen.  

Musikens Hus Vänner bidrar igen med prispengarna till årets vinnare som väljs av en internationell jury. Första priset är på 25 000 kronor. Även publiken får rösta fram sin favorit! Det blir som vanligt en mycket spännande konsert. Vem blir årets vinnare?

Uppsala International
Young Talents Guitar
Competition 2024

Now, it is time to apply the 18th edition of Uppsala International Young Talents Guitar Competition 2024

August 1st, 2024
Submit your application to 

From September 26-28, we will be celebrating 21st edition of Uppsala International
Guitar Festival and the 18th edition of the Uppsala International Young Talent Competition!
Last year's first prize went to Eleonora Perretta from Italy.

First Prize: 25,000 SEK (ca 2500 euros) + Participation and performances in next year's festival as well as a mini tour in the region.
Second Prize: 10,000 SEK.
Prizes sponsored by Musikens hus vänner.

Age limit 30 years old.
Styles & program: 
- All styles are permitted (not only classical)
- You are free to choose your play program
- Both solo players and ensembles are welcome

Round 1 
Send us a video Youtube recorded /link of a maximun of 10 minutes program of your choice.
A short presentation of you, your age, country, etc.
A jury will choose a maximun of 8 finalists to the second round.
The result of who will be part of the final round will be sent to you around August 25th.

Round 2 
The second and final round of the Competition takes place on the 28th September at the 21th Uppsala International Guitar Festival.
An international Jury will be in charge of the Competition. TBA later.

To be part of the competition you should transfer an application fee of 45 euros.
Bank account: Nordea Bank
IBAN SE47 9500 0099 6042 0029 8307
Send your application before August 1st to

Eleonora Perretta, vinnare av Young Talents Competition 2023.